Suite 29, 21-23 Aristoc Road,

Glen Waverley VIC 3150


Ring Robert on Mobile

(04) 0857 9312

Anger Management with Court Certificate

Most popular course is the online self-learning

Anger Management Course Online provides court approved certificates for $199. 

  • Self Learning Course-Sent to your email address
  • 4 modules [2 hours to complete whole course]
  • Certificate within 24 hours of completion

Ring Robert on 0408 579 312 for more details.

Our Services

With 18 years of experience, 3500 clients counseled and over 1500 court certificates issued, this Anger Management Course Online is committed to helping you control your anger.

We have 2 online courses available:

1) Online course with court Certificate

2) Face to face

Our highly qualified practitioner will listen to you and bring the underlying forces and patterns that cause you to break into anger to your attention to help you manage and eliminate this negative behavior.

Please note that confidentiality, privacy, and dignity are respected at all times.

Our goal is to improve your life! Call today.

We will show you how to manage your anger


Anger Management Melbourne Glen Waverley Victoria
Anger Management Melbourne Glen Waverley Victoria

Psychoeducation and Counselling

At Anger Management Course Online, our therapy is a combination of psychoeducation and counselling (approx 80/20) related to anger management.

The modules provide education, while the counselling allows the clients to put them into practice by sharing the relationship between the emotions that are taught in the lessons, namely trust, respect and acceptance.

The psychoeducation aspect of the therapy is ideally suited to online counselling because the process includes an online course that is delivered exactly as it would be in face-to-face counselling, with the therapist teaching for 80% of the time during each of the 4 counselling sessions.

The 3 elements of educational change are:

  • Awareness through education
  • Create a new habit and change the bad habit, using four specific tools but mainly the 'Stop, Find method (TM)' which creates a new habit in the subconscious mind
  • Putting the tools into action

Call us today for more information!

We help you reach your desired and full potential

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Why Choose Us?

  • Years of experience
  • Flexible and affordable courses
  • Highly qualified practitioner
  • Client-focused

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